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The Accelerated Credit Enrollment in Industry Training (ACE IT) Program
The in-class component of the high school electrical apprenticeship program for registered youth apprentices.

British Columbia Safety Authority (BCSA)
Electrical Technology Advisory Committee
The BCSA promotes the “safe installation and use of technical equipment” and are responsible for issuing permits and licenses and for conducting onsite inspections in higher-risk installations.

Independent Contractors and Business Association (ICBA)
Board of Directors
The ICBA promotes “open tendering and fair treatment for all contractors, regardless of their union affiliations.”
Secondary School Apprenticeship Program (Youth)
The SSA is a result of a partnership between the Industry Training Authority School and the BC Ministry of Education. Student apprentices enrolled in the program are employed by employee sponsors and complete 480 hours of paid work that count towards their apprenticeship and earn 16 graduation credits.

Skilled Trades Employment Program (STEP)
The Skilled Trades Employment Program helps people wanting a career in one of the over 90 Industry Training Authority recognized trades obtain certification, get training and find employment.

Work Experience Program (WEX)
This program is intended to provide students with special needs with an opportunity to discover and develop appropriate work skills, and to provide a supportive environment in which they can apply those skills.